A unique book is born
Ever since his first day as a homeopath, 35 years ago, Ewald Stöteler (1957) has worked in exactly the same way as Samuel Hahnemann (doctor and pharmacist) has developed and recorded his philosophy.
He studied Hahnemann’s publications thoroughly and translated different editions of the Organon and The Chronic Diseases in Dutch. It became clear that Hahnemann worked from brilliant ideas, experiences, potencies and accurate experiments and reported these processes thoroughly in the subsequent editions of the Organon and The Chronic Diseases.
As precisely as Hahnemann, Ewald Stöteler is able to discover the valuable and specific timeline in the development that Hahnemann went through, during the development of his classic homeopathy, finalized in the 6th edition of the Organon. Hahnemann referred to this last edition as ‘which has now, if possible, become perfect’.
Homeopathy worldwide, is based on the 4th edition of the Organon, introduced by Kent and also because of that, alienated from its roots. The 5th and especially the 6th edition have been completely ignored by the rest of the world. Ewald Stöteler fills the gap between the two extremes: the 4th and the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon. That’s when it becomes clear that the principle of similarity is so much more than just choosing the right remedy.
A unique book is born
576 pages

The 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon
Ewald has mastered the art to apply his common knowledge, which is so important in a daily homeopathic practise, to homeopathic principles. His insights in physiological processes, his knowledge in the functioning of the human body, organs, organ systems, tissues and last but not least the processes of human consciousness, are unique.
A homeopath and philosopher through and through! A unique combination for writing this book.